JFS PTA October 2009 Newsletter
In This Issue
Were You At Movie Night?
New! Spaghetti Bingo Night
New! Arts Attack Gallery Show
Winter Festival
Extended Library Hours
PTA Pledge Drive Update
Upcoming PTA Events
23rd Bingo Spaghetti Night
16th-20th Fall Book Fair
3rd Arts Attack Gallery
11th Winter Fest 

Thank You to the families who generously donated to our Pledge Drive:
Premium Platinum Level 
Dunkley Family
Kalahasti Family
Mann Family
Williams Family 
Platinum Level
Patel Family
Pham C Family
Tran T Family
Truong T Family
Gold Level
Ahmed Family
Antonio Family
Basarkar Family
Bayati Family
Bennett Family
Bui A Family
Bui J Family
Bui L Family
Chen W Family
Cheng R Family
Chitkara Family
Christie Family
Chung Family
Dang Family
Feldman Family
Fong Family
Gupta Family
Ha Family
Harder Family
Hidzick Family
Ho Family
Huang Family
Hodkinson Family
Hussain Family
Hsu Family
Iyer Family
Kapoor Family
Kartik Family
Kim H Family
Kim K Family
Kojo Family
Lao Family
Lee S Family
Lien Family
Lin Family
Locke Family
Lym Family
Mageras Family
Mathur A Family
Mathur N Family
Mukund Family
Mulji Family
Musukula Family
Nguyen L Family
Nguyen M Family
Nguyen T Family
Pacheco Family
Pawar Family
Playle Family
Quan Family
Rallapalli Family
Saini Family
Sanghui Family
Saran Family
Sharma Family
Surendra Family
Tang C Family
Thai Family
Tran L Family
Van Besouw Family
Vinluan Family
Wang Family
Yeddula Family
Silver Level
Ahuja Family
Baraona Family
Bedi Family
Bhella Family
Cenidoza Family
Chang J Family
Cherniss Family
Edmunds Family
Fowler Family
Gao Family
Halaharivi Family
Hoang Q Family
Im Family
Lam A Family
Lam M Family
Ledger Family
Ma Family
Mageras Family
Malipeddi Family
Nguyen M Family
Nguyen Y Family
Pham P Family
Rajan Family
Ramamurthy Family
Ratnaparki Family
Roham Family
Shah Family
Sharkawy Family
Sinsay-Lum Family
Thanh N Family
Xu Family
Zhou Family
Anklesaria Family
Appleby Family
Bagai Family
Baroudi Family
Castelblanco Family
Chaney Family
Chin Family
Denny Family
Fierro Family
Ha Family
Han Family
Huynh Family
Hwang Family
Joshi Family
Juarez Family
Kamidi Family
Keny Family
Kim S Family
Kumar Family
Le A Family
Le T Family
LeGrande Family
Mao Family
Nguyen E Family
Nguyen P Family
Nguyen S Family
Nguyen T Family
Nguyen T Family
Patel Family
Pham C Family
Pham H Family
Ravoor Family
Rebugio Family
Sosa Family
Sraon Family
Tran J Family
Tran L Family
Tran N Family
Tran Q Family
Trang Family
Truong H Family
Truong V Family
Tu Family
Walsworth Family
Weiss Family
Xi Family
Yang Family
Yeh Family
Thank you for helping our efforts to Go Green and joining our JFS PTA E-Newsletter! Don't forget to visit our JFS PTA website where you can find more PTA information and link directly to our Yahoo Group. The Yahoo Group is a great place to connect with other JFS parents and to ask questions or have discussions.
Were you at Movie Night Watching "Bolt"?
      If not, you missed out on a very fun evening! The kids all had a lot of fun, even if they didn't watch the movie! We would like firstly to thank Sheri Roham who chaired this event and made it a very successful night. Way to go Sheri!
      We would also like to thank the many parent and student helpers who made the event run smoothly. Thank you to: Arthi Kumar, Vinod Kasturi, Gina Fierro, Tania VanBesouw, Yolanda Thorbecke, Gina Vinluan, Keon Roham, John Smith, Noha Sharkaway, Kevin Wilkinson, Ron Davis, Pammy Joshi, Sulaxa Pai and Kajel Patel. We apologize if we have missed names of any of the many volunteers who showed up that evening...your help was invaluable and helped make Movie Night a success.
NEW! Spaghetti and Bingo Night, October 23rd
     On Friday October 23rd at 6pm, our Multipurpose Room will be transformed into a fun family night venue for our first Bingo and Spaghetti night! We hope this will become a fun annual event for our JFS families. The evening will include dinner, bake sale, bingo games, and prizes.
     Save the date and plan for the whole family to attend. Invite friends and neighbors too.
     Dinner will be served from 6-8pm and will include pasta, salad, bread and a beverage for just $10 per adult and $5 per child. There will also be a special family value pack that will feed up to five people for just $30. Look for more information and ticket order forms coming soon in the Friday folder.
     If you would like to volunteer for this event, please contact Sheri Roham at Sheri_Roham@yahoo.com.
NEW! Arts Attack Gallery Show, December 3rd
      PTA would like to invite you to a special evening to enjoy the amazing art work created by the children of JF Smith. Every child will be creating a special piece of art just for this event and every child's art will be on display. 
     Please join us on Thursday December 3rd from 6pm to 8pm. Come walk the walls of art, enjoy some relaxing music and sophisticated refreshments. Your child will be so proud to show off their creativity. This is a wonderful time to show your children that what they accomplish at school is important to you. It is also a lovely event to invite grandparents and other family members to.
     Optional framing for your child's art work will be available at the very low cost of $10 per frame. This is not a fundraiser and every child's art will be sent home with them the following day.
     If you would be willing to help with set up of this event (830 pieces of art work to hang), overseeing refreshments, music selection and clean up crew, please contact Noreen Hussain at noreenh@mac.com or Tracy Wilkinson at tw69@sbcglobal.net. They would greatly appreciate your help.
Winter Festival, December 11th
     Please join us on December 11th at 6:30pm in the multipurpose room for this year's Winter Festival show. Our theme this year is "Believe" and we are making some changes to shorten and tidy-up the show. The PTA sees a great value in this program, and for many of the children, this is a very rewarding and exciting opportunity to show a different side of their creative personalities. The experience teaches many things including teamwork and self-confidence. 
     We have a great turnout of kids wanting to participate but we still need more parent volunteers to help supervise at the rehearsals on Friday afternoons. Thank you to those parent volunteers who have already stepped up to give their time and energy to make this event a success.
     If you only have a few hours of time to volunteer please contact Vicky Pascual at vpas121798@yahoo.com.  There are many small jobs that can be done and we would appreciate any amount of time you can give.
Library Hours Extended!
     The PTA is very proud to announce that our library is now open for an additional hour on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, from 8am-1pm. This allows the children time to utilize this amazing resource outside of their specified classroom time. The library is also open on Friday from 8am-Noon.
     Please let your children know they have access to our great library during these times and encourage them to make use of it and enjoy it!
PTA Pledge Drive A Huge Success!
     Thank you so much for your generosity in helping the PTA raise money for our great school. We could not have done it without your wonderful suppot.
     Because of all of you who donated to the pledge drive, we exceeded our goal and raised $28,200! We will be able to help support our school's goals and help make JFS a great place for your children to be.
      Thank you again for helping to reduce our carbon footprint and going Green with the JFS PTA E-Newsletter! If you know of any JFS parent who isn't yet receiving this newsletter, please be sure to click the Forward Email link below and tell them to contact us to get on the list!
If you are not already on our main e-newsletter distribution list and want to be added so you can receive these newsletters automatically, or if you have any questions regarding this newsletter, please email us at jfs.pta2009@gmail.com.